
What is TimeSeries? TimeSeries has actually been around for a fairly long time dating back to 1992 where it started at Illustra.  It was then ported to Informix when Illustra was acquired by IBM, followed by the first Informix release of the TimeSeries Data Blade in 1996. However, it is now beginning to generate a lot of hype and interest.  The reason why we are only now starting to hear about TimeSeries with any persistence is quite simply due to need and achievability.  By this I mean: firstly, there are now larger amounts of data stored about numerous things than there were 15 years ago – simply put data is increasingly the lifeblood of every industry.  Secondly, the hardware capabilities have progressed sufficiently to manage these increasing amounts of data; however, due to these huge data stores, things are becoming sluggish, and companies are looking for improved ways to store and manage their data: enter TimeSeries…again!


A good introduction to TimeSeries is to examine the architecture of how the data is stored in a broad sense. Rajesh Nair has written a nice introduction to TimeSeries which can be found here: Power of Informix Extensions.  Below is a snippet of Nair’s key points regarding the architecture.

Assume the scenario of a race tracking the position of a player:




As you can see, instead of a row per timestamp, all entries related to the time series are entered into the same row of an Informix table.  A TimeSeries data type allows you to keep a single row for every player regardless of how many times assets change hands or how many times they change their position.  This also helps save storage space.

To understand how this works, think of the TimeSeries column as a container for a row subtype.  This subtype represents a structure of elements (t1, t2, t3 …). Each element represents a single set of data for a timestamp.  In the positioning table example, this sub-type is labelled “pos_chg”.  The TimeSeries data type acts as a constructor for this subtype as shown in the table: TimeSeries (pos_chg).

Again, each element (t1, t2, t3 …) is another row data type that begins with the timestamp column and has additional columns.  The Timestamp column can be used as an index for the elements. Below is another illustration which may be easier to understand:

TimeSeries data type architecture – IBM Informix TimeSeries Data User’s Guide

To show the comparison between TimeSeries and RDBMS implementations of data see the diagram below:

Murthy, K –Using IDS Extensibility in Applications 2005.

One of the major stems of interest around TimeSeries is in the growth of Smart Meter Data Management.  A report from the BBC in 2008 found in here: Means to Identify Energy Use highlights this interest.  To illustrate a bit more about Smart Meters and how TimeSeries ties in take a look at Simon David’s (Cosmo) presentation about – why TimeSeries is the only option.


OK, so now you should have a high level understanding of TimeSeries; however, you’re probably thinking how can this benefit me? Well, TimeSeries has many potential applications – being time based data it is obviously going to be suited to an application that records data at timed intervals, consider the buzz word “tick-data”; here, this magic word connects the dots for what TimeSeries could be used for, so any data source that has a pulse may benefit from the power of TimeSeries – for example:  Capital markets, telecommunications, manufacturing, logistics, scientific research etc… worth thinking about?


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So far only TimeSeries in relation with Informix has been discussed.  Informix’s competitors have their own TimeSeries versions – however rather than listening to my opinion regarding whether Informix may have the edge; a recent benchmark test results published by IBM should provide the facts: Benchmark Results
Impressed? Sceptical? – Either way, why not trial TimeSeries yourselves.  You can try Informix for free (time-limited) for Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac by filling out a short form to register (IBM id) for the download: https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/preLogin.do?source=ifxids.
You are ready to rock! (Sort of…) however, you may wish to get a richer understanding of TimeSeries, in which case the IBM Informix TimeSeries Data User’s Guide is the place to go.  This is a really good document to read and it explains TimeSeries in much detail with some useful work-along examples which is strongly advised.  However, here’s a small overview taken from the IBM Informix TimeSeries Data User’s Guide which is fundamental before you step into the TimeSeries sandbox.
  1. There are two kinds of time series:
A regular time series stores data for regularly spaced time-points. Regular time series are appropriate for applications that record entries at predictable time-points, such as stock summary data that is recorded every business day.
An irregular time series stores data for a sequence of arbitrary time-points. Irregular time series are appropriate when the data arrives unpredictably, such as when the application records every stock trade as it happens.
  1. Every time series is associated with a calendar.
A calendar defines a set of valid times at which the time series can record data; it determines when and how often entries are accepted. For regular time series, calendars are used to calculate the mapping between offset and time stamp. Irregular time series do not have offsets, but they still use calendars to define valid entry times. The following figure illustrates the following concepts associated with calendars:
  • Calendars
  • Calendar Patterns
  • Time Series Origin
  • Offset
Sample time series time line- IBM Informix TimeSeries Data User’s Guide This illustration covers the first two weeks of 1995. It shows:
  • Two regular time series (IBM and IFMX), their origins, and their offsets
  • A calendar with its start date, calendar pattern, and calendar pattern start date
  1.  Calendars are represented by the Calendar data type, which is composed of the following values:
Start date
  • The date the calendar begins.
  • A regularly occurring set of valid and invalid time intervals.
  • The calibration of the calendar pattern.
Pattern start date
  • The date the calendar pattern starts. This date must be later than or equal to the calendar start date. This date must be less than one calendar pattern length after the calendar start date.
  1. Each calendar has a calendar pattern of time intervals that are either valid or invalid, with the beginning of the calendar pattern specified by the calendar pattern start date.
Calendar patterns are represented by the CalendarPattern data type, which is specified as:{Pattern specification}, interval For example, the calendar pattern shown in the previous illustration {5 on, 2 off}, day. With these key points you should now be able to start having a play with TimeSeries and discover some more features that have the power to manage time series data. Lastly, it may be of interest to review an article written by Sean R. Durity, who gives an interesting introduction to TimeSeries using a baseball flavour…

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about TimeSeries and Informix, simply contact us.

So far only TimeSeries in relation with Informix has been discussed.  Informix’s competitors have their own TimeSeries versions – however rather than listening to my opinion regarding whether Informix may have the edge; a recent benchmark test results published by IBM should provide the facts: Benchmark Results
Impressed? Sceptical? – Either way, why not trial TimeSeries yourselves.  You can try Informix for free (time-limited) for Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac by filling out a short form to register (IBM id) for the download: https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/preLogin.do?source=ifxids.
You are ready to rock! (Sort of…) however, you may wish to get a richer understanding of TimeSeries, in which case the IBM Informix TimeSeries Data User’s Guide is the place to go.  This is a really good document to read and it explains TimeSeries in much detail with some useful work-along examples which is strongly advised.  However, here’s a small overview taken from the IBM Informix TimeSeries Data User’s Guide which is fundamental before you step into the TimeSeries sandbox.
  1. There are two kinds of time series:
A regular time series stores data for regularly spaced time-points. Regular time series are appropriate for applications that record entries at predictable time-points, such as stock summary data that is recorded every business day.
An irregular time series stores data for a sequence of arbitrary time-points. Irregular time series are appropriate when the data arrives unpredictably, such as when the application records every stock trade as it happens.
  1. Every time series is associated with a calendar.
A calendar defines a set of valid times at which the time series can record data; it determines when and how often entries are accepted. For regular time series, calendars are used to calculate the mapping between offset and time stamp. Irregular time series do not have offsets, but they still use calendars to define valid entry times. The following figure illustrates the following concepts associated with calendars:
  • Calendars
  • Calendar Patterns
  • Time Series Origin
  • Offset
Sample time series time line- IBM Informix TimeSeries Data User’s Guide This illustration covers the first two weeks of 1995. It shows:
  • Two regular time series (IBM and IFMX), their origins, and their offsets
  • A calendar with its start date, calendar pattern, and calendar pattern start date
  1.  Calendars are represented by the Calendar data type, which is composed of the following values:
Start date
  • The date the calendar begins.
  • A regularly occurring set of valid and invalid time intervals.
  • The calibration of the calendar pattern.
Pattern start date
  • The date the calendar pattern starts. This date must be later than or equal to the calendar start date. This date must be less than one calendar pattern length after the calendar start date.
  1. Each calendar has a calendar pattern of time intervals that are either valid or invalid, with the beginning of the calendar pattern specified by the calendar pattern start date.
Calendar patterns are represented by the CalendarPattern data type, which is specified as:{Pattern specification}, interval For example, the calendar pattern shown in the previous illustration {5 on, 2 off}, day. With these key points you should now be able to start having a play with TimeSeries and discover some more features that have the power to manage time series data. Lastly, it may be of interest to review an article written by Sean R. Durity, who gives an interesting introduction to TimeSeries using a baseball flavour…
