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Updated June 2024
June 2024 change log:
- sp_load into temp table handled
- sp_load no longer specifies EXPRESS (only caused warning in message log)
September 2023 change log:
- Work-around for tables containing hidden specialized columns such as VERCOLS
- DBDATE external table option removed for better flexibility via environment
- CONSTRAINTS also disabled as necessary for EXPRESS with hidden indexes.
We have raised relevant APARs to be fixed in 14.10.xC11. They are:
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Updated November 2021
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Updated December 2021
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- Informix Server Administrator (ISA) – written in Perl – was in the installation media up to IDS 11.70.
- Open Admin Tool (OAT) – written in PHP – co-existing with ISA from IDS 11.10 and was included in Informix Client SDK for Linux and 32-bit Windows up to IDS 12.10.FC9. OAT can still be used with the latest IDS versions but is not secure as it uses Flash and outdated Apache 2.4.2.
- InformixHQ (HQ) – written in Java – is an HTML5 Web GUI provided with IDS 12.10.FC13 or 14.10.FC1 onwards, and has most of the functionality of OAT, and more.
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Updated June 2020
New related features regarding Informix storage and backup encryption are available in IDS 14.10 and described in other Oninit articles.
- Prior to IDS 10, this had to be performed after backup files had been created.
- IDS 10 allowed backup or restore via any pipe with “ontape -t STDIO”, but only for archives.
- From IDS 11, configuration parameters exist to pass all backups and restores through specified filter commands, which is ideal for in-line compression and encryption.
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Updated June 2020
Informix stored procedure for mass delete: Parameter “p_select” altered to LVARCHAR (default length 2048) as VARCHAR(255) not long enough in real situations.
Updated January 2024
Informix stored procedure for mass delete resolved: 305: Subscripted column (p_select) is not of type CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT nor BYTES.
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Although Genero BDL is based on Informix 4GL and both tools can be used to build powerful database applications, there is a world of difference between how a developer will use these tools. In our experience, to get the most out of Genero, it’s vital to have a good understanding of Genero Studio (GST) – the graphical integrated development environment that is shipped with the Genero product. Find out more about managing development projects in Genero Studio below:[Read More…]
Updated June 2020
Oninit RFE was delivered with IDS 12.10.xC10 to make switching mirrors easier:
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- Highlighting form elements dynamically
- Hiding and revealing form elements dynamically
- Using new GUI widgets
- Additional functionality for ‘tables’
- Dragging and dropping data from and into form elements
- Using a tree view
- Incorporating web components
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Updated June 2020
Informix SQL Capture Techniques: InformixHQ GUI available from IDS 12.10.FC13 and 14.10.FC1.
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As we’ve described in other articles, there are many reasons to upgrade from Informix 4GL to Genero; however, it’s not always desirable to upgrade your entire application in one go from a Text User Interface (TUI) to a Graphical User Interface (GUI). This article focuses on how you to run a green screen application in Genero its native format, whilst allowing part of the same application to be rendered as a GUI application.[Read More…]
Originally developed as a GUI replacement to “green-screen” Informix 4GL, Genero has become a powerful and advanced development suite, with a long list of supported platforms, database engines and deployment options. A host of new features are added at every release; Whether you’re running an early version, still on 4gl, or looking for a platform for a new development project, there are some very compelling reasons to upgrade to the latest Genero release.[Read More…]
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IBM Guardium Vulnerability Assessment is a key part of the Guardium Database Security portfolio. It is designed to help harden database infrastructures by scanning targeted systems on a scheduled basis to detect vulnerabilities. This article explains what IBM Guardium Vulnerability Assessment (VA) actually delivers and what the differences are between the various editions. Note that since the introduction of Guardium 10, there are no longer different editions of this product and all of the Advanced Edition features are available with the product.[Read More…]
In September 2015, IBM released Guardium 10, the latest version of its flagship enterprise database security suite. IBM Guardium is relevant to any organization wishing to improve its database security management and is becoming the de facto standard for database activity monitoring and database vulnerability assessment for IBM DB2, IBM Informix, Oracle and SQL Server. This article is a quick glance at some of the more obvious operational improvements with Guardium 10, comparing the installation and configuration process and taking a look at the new interface. This article is aimed at those already familiar with Guardium or those who may have evaluated earlier versions and would like to start to explore the capabilities of the new version.[Read More…]
This technical article will guide the reader through an IBM Guardium v9.5 VM installation and focus on some of the more obvious do’s and don’ts. If nothing else, if this is your first time installing Guardium this article will save you hours of head scratching. Note that there are no easily accessible trials for IBM Guardium however the IBM Part Numbers have been referenced to ease location of the required software.[Read More…]
In Informix 4GL the only way to navigate an application is using a “ring” menu. This works very well when the application has a small number of modules with one menu but in complex applications, where there are many modules grouped into various submenus, the ring menu makes navigating the application very cumbersome. Modern alternatives such as tree-view and drop-down menus don’t exist in 4GL, but they do exist in Genero! This article discuss how best to navigate a Genero application:[Read More…]
AGS Server Studio & Sentinel are the tools of choice for day-to-day Informix DBA tasks, SQL development and system monitoring. For those who have been using it as long as we have, it is worth recapping on some of the features added since our version 7 video demos at http://www.serverstudio.co.uk were created.[Read More…]
Understanding Informix configurations is key to get the most out of your Informix installations. With Informix versions 11.50, 11.70 and 12.10, IBM has introduced an array of new configuration parameters that support new advanced capabilities and provide increased flexibility and agility. With all of these versions, IBM has also introduced greater self-management capability meaning that the database server can more readily adapt to its environment and workload – the database server itself takes control over part of its run-time configuration. This article examines the fundamental configuration data we can expect to find on any Informix systems today and where we find it, to ultimately help you improve your understanding of Informix configurations.[Read More…]
Historically, data input applications only allowed a user to access one part of the application at any one time. If a user needed to access another part of the application, for example to view customer details whilst updating an order, he or she would need to stop what they were doing and navigate to another part of the same application. As applications have grown larger and more complex this becomes a big user productivity drain. This article describes how to solve this problem elegantly and simply in Genero, by allowing multiple modules of the same application to run concurrently in a single window and ultimately improve user productivity with Genero.[Read More…]
In the commercial world today we see growing complexity and depth in the information we store. A simple example would be a custom product or order line that is itself made up of many other products each with a variety of purchasing or build options. Historically data input applications did not support this type of requirement very well. This article describes how to solve this programming problem by creating, using and managing concurrent data inputs and displays in Genero.[Read More…]
Microsoft SQL Server is a popular choice for consolidation of report data from multiple database products, as its Linked Server feature – which is included in the base product – makes it possible to access tables in heterogeneous databases within T-SQL via OLE DB or ODBC. However, the settings are not obvious that are required to make this work with Informix Standard Engine (SE) – the legacy version of Informix that uses C-ISAM to store tables (*.dat) and indexes (*.idx) in individual files (whereas Dynamic Server manages storage within its own “dbspaces”). This article reveals how to make Microsoft SQL Linked Server and Informix Standard Engine work together.[Read More…]
Updated June 2020
Fixed in IDS 12.10.xC6 and 14.10: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/apar/IT09329
Bug in IDS 11: This article describes a bug in a function provided with IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) which could result in disk space being filled. We have reported this to IBM who have assigned defect number (APAR) IT09329. Meanwhile, you can fix your system using code provided below.[Read More…]
Continuing the series of lesser known IDS commands lurking in the bin directory of your Informix installation directory, today we’re looking at onsecurity. It is very important to keep your database server and associated files secure; as well as keeping your data safe, later versions of IDS will refuse to start should the base ownership and permissions be too insecure. If your installation has been moved or copied, or other files or directories been added over time, IDS may not be running in the most secure environment. Shipped with IDS since version 11.50.FC4, the onsecurity utility can check a given directory path is secure, report on any issues found, and can even generate a script to remedy the situation.[Read More…]